Hello world!

< 1 min read

A long time ago, on a keyboard not so far away, I thought to myself: “Why not create yet another website that the internet definitely needs?” And here we are. 🙃

I feel the need not only to learn from others but also to actively contribute.

That’s the main reason this blog was born. I’ve been fortunate to meet inspiring people, read amazing books and blogs, and also go through failures, moments of ego, and countless mistakes in practice. Every one of those experiences has been a lesson that pushed me forward. For some time now, I’ve felt it’s time to step out of the role of a passive receiver who merely absorbs knowledge and inspiration. The goal is to share experiences, as I believe this might help someone – or at least offer a new perspective. 😊

And even though personal failure cannot truly be passed on – voilà, there’s one deep thought for you! 😄